Agreement on joint investment of local enterprises abroad


Made between:

The firm of 


 (name of the firm, exact address, place, state)

represented by 


 (full name and function of the authorised person)

hereinafter called _______________________(FIRM A) or "TRANSFEROR OF TECHNOLOGY" on the one side,andThe firm of 


 (name of the firm, exact address, place, state)

represented by 


 (full name and function of the authorised person)

hereinafter called ______________________(FIRM B) or "TRANSFEREE OF TECHNOLOGY"2) on the other side.

All firms taking part in this Agreement shall be jointly referred to as the "PARTIES".

Preamble: 3)

Whereas in pursuit of the objectives stated under Article 1 of this Agreement the PARTIES have jointly invested the technology, production, know-how, know-why, material anf financial assets and labour for the purpose of establishing a separate joint venture plant, JV PLANT, within the firm ______________ (FIRM B).

Article 1

Purposes and Objectives of the Agreement:

According to the projected development of technology and the adopted plans for expanding production capacities and selection of products in the firm______________________(FIRM B), by specializing in the production of ___________________________4) by applying up-to-date technical expertise and technological capabilities up to highest international standards in such field, in consideration of the mutual agreements and the support of the firm _________________________________ (FIRM A) has set forth the narrow purpose of this Agreement, which shall be to achieve the following economic, technical and technological objectives:

- to specialize in the production of________________________________4) by applying the technical and technological knowledge and capabilities up to highest international standards in such field;

- significant technical and technological improvement in the production and application of _______________________________________4) in _____________________________5);